AiSudo is an AI chat and image generation in one app.

The One AI App to Rule Them All.

Download for Desktop
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Web (PC/Mobile)
Works best on Chrome and Edge.


Desktop Screenshot Mobile Screenshot

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Prompt is empty, please input your prompt 🙏
You can click "Random" button if you need an idea 🤗
Fill the text above or click the "Random" button, then click generate/get answer button.

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Text & Image Generation Hub

Chat With AI: Our AI understands context, allowing for human-like conversations. It's trained on a vast knowledge base, providing answers on a wide range of topics. Plus, it adapts its tone and language to provide personalized responses.
Generate Stunning AI Art: Create unique and breathtaking images with our AI-powered art generator. Our app uses cutting-edge technology to produce high-quality visuals that will amaze you. From abstract designs to realistic landscapes, the possibilities are endless.

Multi-Platform Support

We've made sure our client is accessible to everyone, regardless of their platform of choice. You can run our app on:

Lightweight and Efficient Desktop App

Our desktop App is designed to be compact and efficient, ensuring a seamless user experience without consuming excessive system resources.

Compact Download: Our executable installation size is under 15MB, making it easy to get started quickly.
Low Memory Footprint: When running, our app uses approximately 60MB of memory, allowing you to multitask with ease. (Note: Memory usage may fluctuate slightly depending on system conditions.)

3rd Party API Integration

AiSudo can connect to third-party AI model providers through API integration.
Check out our GitHub page for more information on our API integrations and how to get started:

Go to AiSudo Github Page »

Demo Video

Latest AI Models on AISudo

Works with your favorite AI Provider

"If AI Model is the brain, then prompt is the heart!"
Reasons for using AiSudo prompt builder

green check icon Image Generation

Create stunning images with just a few clicks. Unleash your imagination and get result right away. Perfect for designers, artists, and anyone who loves creativity.

green check icon Article Generator

Always ready to generate content that's both relevant and entertaining. No coding skills needed - just type, and let the magic happen!

green check icon Design AI Bot Character

Create non boring Chat AI with personality. You can make your AI reply like: a strict teacher, a playfull student, or even as a medieval warrior with tragic background..

green check icon Simple Search Engine

Need to understand a topic quickly and tired jumping from one article to another article? Just type the question and costumize how the AI reply it.

green check icon Social Media

Boost your social media game with our AI-powered tool. Easy to use, it helps you create engaging content. Perfect for influencers, streamers, and businesses alike.

green check icon Marketing

Create marketing pitch for email and social media. You can also generate engaging ads title and content right away!

Frequently asked questions

Here's a breakdown of how it works:
  1. User Input: A user interacts with the chat interface, typing a message or sending a voice command.
  2. Client-side Processing: The client-side processes the user input, performing tasks such as text normalization, entity extraction, and intent identification.
  3. API Request: The app sends a request to AiSudo API Gateway, including the processed user input and any relevant context.
  4. Response Generation: The AI Engine generates a response based on the user's input, taking into account the context, intent, and relevant information. then send it back to client
  5. Client-side Rendering: The client-side receives the response and renders it to the user, displaying the response in the chat interface.

Absolutely! AiSudo is a great resource for sparking innovative ideas and suggestions, making it an ideal tool for tackling complex brainstorming and problem-solving challenges. To get started, try posing the following brainstorming prompts to AiSudo, and don't hesitate to explore and customize your own prompts to suit your needs.

  • Can you give me some potential themes for a science fiction novel?
  • I’m planning to open a vegan fast-food restaurant. What are the weaknesses of this idea?
  • I run a two year old software development startup with one product that has PMF, planning on introducing a new software product in a very different market. Use the six hats method to analyse this.
  • Utilise the Golden Circle Model to create a powerful brand for a management consulting business.